
  • Investing in our Children’s Future

    Parents will do anything they can to guarantee their child has a bright future. That is why Jennifer is committed to fully funding neighborhood schools, supporting selective enrollment and magnet schools, and expanding educational opportunities beyond the classroom. Parents and students deserve the best options possible for their own unique circumstance. The priority of the Chicago School Board should be to ensure every CPS student has the brightest future possible.

  • Retaining and Recruiting Excellent Teachers and Staff

    Excellent teachers and support staff should be valued because they can change the outcomes in students' lives. As a former teacher, Jennifer understands the challenges teachers face both in and out of the classroom. All CPS personnel should be well compensated, trained, and given the tools to have dignity in retirement. We should continue to put the best talent in our school to keep making them excellent places of learning and caring for our children.

  • Robust Curriculum and Wrap Around Services

    Every school in the Chicago Public Schools should have a robust curriculum and the services students need in schools to succeed. CPS students deserve access to librarians, nurses, and counselors to provide the wrap-around services they need to achieve their goals. We also need the best curriculum in core subjects while also offering expanded options for students in arts, STEM, and Trades classes.

  • Fiscal Stability, Ethics, and Governance

    Chicago Public Schools are not immune to the fiscal, ethical, and governance challenges that the government in Illinois faces. Jennifer believes establishing trust and transparency between CPS and the community is essential for a properly functioning school district. Budgets are moral documents, protecting taxpayers while investing in children's futures should guide their fiscal decisions. Jennifer will support standard operating procedures and ethics rules that this new board establishes strong trust with the community.

  • Safety in our Schools

    School buildings are safe spaces for our students. We need to ensure that we allow teachers, principals, staff and Local School Councils to have the tools needed to keep our children safe. Jennifer supports allowing building decision making to leave to Local School Councils and not have one size fits all policies come down from Chicago School Board. Local communities coming together to keep our schools safe and nurturing is something we should support.